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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

stay classy san diego

I was going to start my California Adventures Posts this week, but with Brad and Alia's wedding, the 4th, an anniversary, and last minute trip coming up this weekend, I figure it will be better to wait until I return from the next portion of my Summer vacations in the state directly below us. This weekend (through Monday), I will be flying to California once again. This time for a family get together. I am not entirely sure what I am getting myself in to since it is a sort of meetup with people I have not seen since I was a little girl, but my Grandparents and cousins convinced me to book a last minute plane ticket and attend with them. So, late Friday night I will be getting in to San Diego where I will spend the weekend. We did not make it quite that south last time, so I guess I am just making sure to cover the remainder of the state...or something...

Anyway, I thought Ron Burgundy seemed appropriate for this post. 

((( a scene from Anchorman. )))