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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

happy birthday proper lady !

Today it is my sister Leah's 29th birthday. Happy Birthday Leho!

I seriously do not remember where this whole notion of "proper ladies" came from, but we are always saying that to each other (often in poorly executed British accents). When I turned 25 Leah told me I was no longer allowed to drink too much and dance on tables since I was 26... I informed her that I was only 25, and therefor had another year to do so. However, I have decided that as long as we are able we shall "drink champagne and dance on the table" all we want. Even if we are "proper ladies".

Miss you. Love! I hope you are having a great day with super secret, or epic, birthday plans. Check out the super sweet bday card I made for you... Proper indeed.

[[ proper lady bday card by me. me and leah being silly in nyc. ]]