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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

cleaning house, and finding treasure.

Me and my laptop have been through a lot together since I got it in... lets say, 2007. I have a couple external hard drives that I load everything onto when I need to clear out some space, but I have not done a full overhaul EVER. So, since the end of last week I have been going through seriously thousands of files, deleting, organizing, and cataloguing them properly. I have now freed up 40GBs of space, 31 just today. All I have left to do is document my Safari bookmarks, and I can wipe this baby clean and start over with Snow Leopard and Adobe CS5. Yay! It is about time.

Anyway, while I was going through all of my pictures and images saved in the hugely messy "Inspiration" folder I had on my desktop, I decided I should put a few things up on here. Some of these artist absolutely deserve a full post to themselves. (coming soon ??) I apologize that many of the sources are unknown... I have been saving up imagery for years without paying much attention, shame on me.

[[ sources unknown unless otherwise noted below. *'s below indicate that the artist will be getting their own post soon. ]]

 - "Z" - by Jessica Hische on her project Daily Drop Cap *
 - Ferris Wheel Image (title unknown) - by Alice B. Gardens (found on Creature Comforts)
 - Web Page - by Andres Yeah
 - Bone Girl (title unknown) - by Audrey Kawasaki (my favorite painter thus far) *
 - "The Shining" Movie Poster - by Moxy Creative *

Some of these others I am determined to find the sources for! ...but for now, I need to eat some dinner. 
(side note: I think something like this may need to be a weekly feature...)