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Friday, September 5, 2014

my week in pictures 67
labor day weekend

monday 8/25 - monday 9/1

Last week was crazy busy, but thankfully most of that business was play, not work. Hooray for three day weekends!

On Tuesday we met some friends in Old Mill for dinner and then headed to a little park by the river to listen to Dave Matthew's Band, who was playing a sold out show at the amphitheater. There were a ton of people floating/anchoring in the water to listen as well. The sound carried nicely and we got to take in a few songs before being overrun by mosquitos and deciding to vacate the area.

We spent most the weekend hanging out with our friends who moved away on Monday. Friday night we all went out and got a bit carried away, which resulted in a fairly lazy Saturday (aside from me getting a wild hair and deciding to chalk paint the door to the garage). On Sunday we met up with them again to hike along the Metolius River to Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery, which was really relaxing and beautiful. My family had decided last minute to rent a place in Sunriver for the weekend, so we met up with them Saturday evening for dinner before going out with our friends one last time.

Monday we spent the day with my family at the Sunriver pool, which I had never been to. They had a tiny lazy river and some pretty sweet water slides that the littles made us go down several times. Eventually we said our goodbyes and stopped by Pats dads place for dinner before heading home.

All in all it was a pretty good Labor Day weekend. Especially since we really hadn't planned anything at all ahead of time.

[[ listening to dave matthew's band in old mill. pictures from the most ridiculous group text with my family. creeping in the creepy rock garden with the dinans. baking bacon in the super bacon apron. chalk painting the door on a whim. pretty hike along the metolius river. wizard fish hatchery. hiking back. sunday night goodbyes with the dinans. spending the day with my family at sharc. ]]