After getting home from work on Monday I realized it was Cinco de Mayo, so we improvised and ended up making a pretty decent Mexican themed dinner, complete with fresh squeezed grapefruit and orange juice margaritas. The rest of the work week was pretty much business as usual, aside from me dropping off our garage door openers at the Eagle Crest house, aka our former place of residence from when we first moved over the pass (which Pat's parents have been trying to sell for years). While I was there I couldn't resist taking a few last pictures of the place. I also went to a pre-season opening dinner at Range and got to sample some of the Chef's delicious new dishes.
Over the weekend our recently engaged friends Drea and Frace came to visit us so there was a lot of, Cards Against Humanity, big breakfasts, a little hiking around, and ice cream. Obviously. They even brought us little gifts from their recent trip to Oahu, Legos! I have an Ewok on my keys now (keys that are getting out of control by the way).