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Friday, May 18, 2012

sunday funday

This. Week. Was. A. Pain. In. The. Ass. ...I admit it. Seriously one of the busiest work wise I have had in a while, and the projects just kept coming from all sides. Heres to hoping that I get another day kind of like this one from last weekend after tomorrow wedding in which me and Pat are both in the bridal party. If I play my cards right I may even be able to see mi familia, and most importantly, my older sister Leah who is passing through town on her way to a wedding in Hawaii for approximately one day. Fingers crossed.

Here are some fancy schmancy springtastic pictures from last Sunday. I had to keep them in their own post because they were just oh so pretty by their lonesome.

[[ backyard relaxing. sandals and bare feet. train tracks. longboard ride. mini pool. sunbathing. tequilla. home made strawberry margaritas. ]]