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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

weekend adventures 55

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday... it was a hell of a Monday, and not in a good way. Oh well, that is what happens when you are working on several design projects at once.

All of last week I was super sick, so when I woke up feeling like myself Saturday I was super excited and ready to get out of my funk. Oregon greeted me with some glorious sunshine and warm weather as well, so I spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday outside watching the OSU baseball team play. I also got a pretty wicked sunburn... thanks a lot vampire skin (and yes parental units, I was wearing sunscreen).

Baseball all day. Corn nuts. No sunburn. Then over to Nate and Alicia's house for some impromptu disc golf, BBQ chicken, beers, and a bonfire.

Baseball all day. Dippin Dots. Sunburn. Then over to the 35th street house for another BBQ with Pat's little brother Hayden and his Parents/Grandparents in honor of little brothers birthday (which is tomorrow).

[[ beaver baseball. sunflower seeds. dippin dots. win. ]]

[[ me. tasty beverage. toby. nate's backyard. disc golf. bonfire. ]] 

It was a great sunshiney and relaxing weekend with plenty of vitamin D for me, which I was in dire need of and am now recovering from. I even fit a tiny bit of long boarding in there.