It seems like we fit a lot of weekend in to a very short period of time this week!
We got up in the morning and headed to Portland for my little sisters State Cheerleading Competition which was later in the day. We got to town pretty early so that we could run some errands and eat some lunch before watching them perform. Pat is going to Florida to work the NBA All Stars game, so we had to go to the Adidas Employee Store to get him some gear. That place was a cluster... so tiny, crowded, and barely any product inside but he did manage to find a couple of shirts and some pants that will be perfect. I got a Blazers shirt also since I didn't have anything already. Next we stumbled upon the Widmer Brewery/restaurant and decided to get some lunch and a drink. We shared a baked pretzel and pastrami sandwhich, yum yum. This is to date the only brew pub, or pub in general I have ever been in that does NOT have a frier! It was crazy.
[[ widmer brewery. ]] |
Next we drove a mile up the road to the Memorial Coliseum where the competition was being held, located where my parents were sitting, and joined them. Both sets of my parents were there, along with my cousin Tabby, Landon her adorable little baby, and both my brothers. After Westview performed the boys decided to walk back to Widmer for a drink while the rest of us stayed behind and watched the rest of the competition. They got back just in time to hear Westview announced as the winners! Everyone was really excited. We stuck around for a while to congratulate the little one and say goodbye and then all parted ways. I am really happy I finally got to attend a state competition, especially to see Meagan win her last one ever since she is graduating this year.
[[ state cheerleading competition. ]] |
saturday night
My head was killing me at this point, so Pat made some plans for dinner and we headed over to the East Side to go to Fire on the Mountain. When we first got there it was packed because the Blazer game was in overtime, or double overtime, not sure. When they lost (lame) it cleared out pretty quick, and after getting a table, some water, and Excedrine I was feeling much better. Brad and Alia got there, we ordered some dinner, and the boys got a pitcher of beer. I liked that place, it was pretty chill. My favorite thing about the East Side is that you can be super dressed up or wearing a sweatshirt and it makes no difference.
After dinner we headed over to a bowling alley to crash a birthday party for one of Pats old friends Donovan. Megan came over to meet us and we watching everyone play a couple rounds eventually stealing an abandoned lane for ourselves. At this point it was after midnight and we wanted to meet up with Tony who had gone to a car show earlier in the night with some of his friends, so we scooped him up and then went to a bar called The By & By. There is a killer grilled cheese food cart right behind the bar called Grilled Cheese Grill so we walked over there after the bar shut down and the guys ordered some bomb grilled cheeses that they were nice enough to share with us. I am not sure exactly what we were eating, but there was definitely bacon involved. Also, some girl tried to interview me with a rolled up newspaper, I had no idea what was going on. The best thing about this place is that you sit in an old school bus to eat your food!! It was awesome!
After taking a lot of silly pictures, or attempting to at least, we headed to Megan's apartment to end the night. We finally all went to bed sometime between 4:30 and 5:30 in the am.
[[ bowling. being silly at grilled cheese grill. ]] |
We got a really late start since sleeping in was a must, but eventually the four of us went over to Washington Square briefly to grab a few things and then Me, Pat, and Tony took off for home. We stopped in Bridgeport for some lunch and Macaroni Grill, and then stopped in Woodburn to drop off Tony and see Loki for a bit. Finally we made it home, ate some more dinner, watched some 30 Rock, and called it a night.
[[ misc sunday pictures. puppies. ]] |