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Thursday, December 29, 2011


At least ten years ago when we all first moved in together me, my sister, and step siblings took a series of black and white pictures for my parents that they still have framed and hanging up in the main hallway of our house. Me and Leah have been talking about recreating them for years, but finally got it together and took them for Christmas this year. Of course, we had a few new additions to include as well.

Here is how they turned out! (extremely photo heavy)

[[ pictures of: me/meagan/leah/nic/johnny/jenna/dest/pat/adil. ]]

And here are a couple outtakes before I made them black and white so you can see how silly we looked with all of the different colors we were wearing! Notice Meagan always looks good though... she is an alien.

[[ outtakes. ]]

Finally, if you need some reference I am including some of the old pictures. Keep in mind that these were quick shots taken on our phones stealthily and definitely have some glare to them since they were in frames, but they should help you get the idea. 

[[ some of the originals for reference. ]]