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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

midweek inspiration 1

I have been thinking that I need some more regular features on here, and since I collect inspirational imagery on a daily basis, why not start by focusing on an artist or work of art of some kind that I am interested in, or want to talk about each week? And since I could really use a pick me up today, Wednesday it is. (I think I will work on the title a little)...

Today has been a beast if a day, so I wanted to pick something whimsical and imaginative. Thus I am posting about some beautiful oil paintings on wood by Marisol Spoon (who as it turns out is not one person, but a husband and wife team). I love the sort of odd portraits and vibrant colors, like you are in a fairytale of some kind. The following are my favorites.

[[ "stella of the sea". "rose". "evelyn". "a long trip to tea time". ]]